In the morning, OK round two, my first note got deleted. Always click the cancel button if you get prompted for delete or undo randomly when you’re dictating or move your phone by accident
I was composing a rather eloquent response/comment on TikTok to my daughter’s boyfriend and it got deleted, here goes again,
How is your stock portfolio going? Have you gotten into crypto yet? I waited for five years before I got in and I don’t regret it.
This new assets class is being adopted by millions of people around the world. You are not too late to get in. My portfolio is doing well. I don’t have much but I have something. That’s what matters when getting in so early in this market.
Once it finally clicks or metaphorically speaking, the light bulb turns on 💡 & you realize that crypto is just a method for sending value to another person for goods and services you’ll be ready to jump on the train.
Think back to 1800s, and the locomotive was just being released/invented. It was scary, too fast too expensive for the everyday public to use, but 195 years later we all use it.
It’s the same thing thousands with money years ago, we bartered and exchanged sheckes or shells for these goods and services,
Crypto is another way to do this. It is an advanced way to send another human around the world a shell. Yeah it’s a shell that’s protected by AES encryption, but a shell nonetheless. Once you wrap your head around that it’ll start to all makes sense.
The American dollar was not always a reserve currency used all around the world. This new asset class is being adopted by countless countries around the world to be just that, the world reserve currency.
As always, this is not financial advice. I’m just trying to educate a fellow primate on this spinning oblate spheroid that is circling an average sized star, circling around a black hole.
Have a great day!
Locomotive | Definition, History, Design, Types, & Facts | Britannica
History of U.S. Currency | U.S. Currency Education Program
Shekel Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
How Bitcoin Uses Cryptography | River
How Does Our Sun Compare With Other Stars? | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids
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