New Year’s Eve Morning #instagram #live included limited edition watches. I decided to buy some for my kids and also found it to be a good opportunity to mention my website
Random Thoughts – December 27, 2024
How big is your pile? I can’t imagine how much cardboard is being recycled this week, well hopefully recycled. Can I get others to post their pictures?


No Agenda Donation #2
I recently wrote this to my girlfriend Joanna.
Remember, please remember, you make me happy, happy people do good things, good things come to those who wait, but I’m not waiting anymore.

If any No Agenda producer could help me make my website successful. It would be grately appreciated. As you can see in my recent Instagram live I am using this TOOL as a way to propagate the formula. HIT THEM IN THE MOUTH!
Tweet to @GaryVee
I went live with a new web project this past month. Https:// There is a recent post of of me singing in the car to Calum Scott you will enjoy (Biblical)
I turned 52 last month and have been influenced by you since the Wine Library days to believe that “you are never too old to follow your dreams” or anything that brings you joy.
I’ve had the Twitter ID and YouTube channel and many other web products with the name ClipoftheDay since March 2007. I recently bought the domain from a good friend (Eddy Pareja) & past business partner—from when we worked together at—and felt driven to make the website about me and my family.
Eddy’s company has been a passion project of his since we parted ways because of layoffs & other life lessons.
Life lessons I realize shape us as individuals and make us who we are. Me and my kids learned a hard life lesson October 31, 2018 when we all woke up to my dear Sonya laying lifeless in our bed.
That is all I am going to say about that, I don’t want to harp on the past, but live for the present & the future. I just wanted to Thank you for being an oasis of courage in this desert we call life.
My kids and family are the most important part in my life. “Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.”
Thank you, @GaryVee for being an inspiration to us all.
—Matthew Ross
Clip from the car – Calum Scott – Biblical – December 21, 2024
I decided to talk to my Instagram followers, all 7 of them, and random stuff came out of my mouth.
I then decided to sing a Calum Scott song that I admired very much. I also mentioned my late wife Sonya that passed away on 103124. We all miss her dearly.
ClipoftheDay – Clip-N-Public – Dani Ross-A night of #Storytelling #nonbinary – Dec 19, 2024 07:49 PM
At a PFO “Playing for others” event, Dani opens up and is vulnerable on stage. They discuss their #gender identify and the realization they had as a young human & learning about being #nonbinary
While tearing up myself, luckily I was able to hold the camera steady enough and make it to the end. I gave them a hug right after they came off stage.