Good morning-good afternoon-good evening depending on where you are on the globe.
This is clip is a montage of pictures and video of my children. It also includes a record recording of me reading to my second daughter from January 17, 2009. They were only four years old at the time and her 9 year old big sister comes and interrupts us, which makes for a humorous content.
These are memories that I cherish & now the whole world can too.
This is one of the main reasons I created, so that these clips and images are not lost.
I always think of worst case scenario. I would hate to think what would happen to these images and media if I wasn’t here.
I think it’s a shame for these precious moments to reside on a hard drive on a shelf. Instead they are now. online for the whole world to see. Now I have rectified a possible travesty and will continue to create similar content from the past and going forward into the future.
I hope you enjoy it.
Have a great day!

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