Hi Adam and John,
I was a little tipsy just before the ball dropped in Times Square this year, I was at a comedy show of Jon Reep’s in Charlotte, NC with my new girlfriend Joanna.
In his act, he mentioned the Charlotte Panther’e mascot Sir Purr. That was my final reminder of the day to donate, and I got it in just under the wire! 11:49pm ET #BusinessExpense

Other things happened today. Totally random things that I felt were signs too. From hearing Allen Stone’s unreleased song “Reasons Why” …
to 333.0 on my trip meeter when pumping gas at Costco.

During the show @jonreep has a comedy bit about a special surprise and suppositories. I jumped into action and bought him http://suprisatory.com/ and forwarded it NoAgenda style to his website. I told him what I did and he thought it was so cool.

Jingle: Sunday Morning Service into Double Speak of the Week.

Please Knight me “Sir ClipoftheDay”
– Matthew Ross
Thank you again for being the constant voices grounding me when my late wife of 22 years passed away in 2018.
Matthew Ross, MFA
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